Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Motorcycle Incident

The incident happened 3 years ago in late July of 2012. I was about to leave the gym when I received an SMS message that said Michael had met with an accident. At first, I thought it was a colleague at that time by that name. Soon, after noticing that the sender was my wife, […]

Help Your Child To Become A GREAT Speaker

The fear of public speaking has oftentimes been ranked as one of our top phobias. Google on the topics of fears; death and public speaking are almost sure to make the top 5 fears.   Why is it that many of us fear speaking in front of an audience? I believe it boils down to […]

Western Style Freedom of Speech, At What Price to Our Kids?

An article entitled, “Amos Yee: YouTube Star, Teen-Ager, Dissident”, by Nathan Heller was published in The New Yorker on April 10 2015. In his article, the writer wrote in support of Amos Yee alluding that Amos “has all the hallmarks of a green and thriving mind”. By now, most would have been aware of the […]