Smart Decisions On Managing Your Child’s Smartphone Usage

From shopping to banking transactions; education to entertainment; personal productivity to information retrieval; social networking to photography; navigation to communication. To say that the smartphone has phenomenally revolutionize our daily lives would merely be stating the obvious. To be a technological illiterate today can only mean surrendering oneself to being hugely disadvantaged. In the years […]

Family Meals For Healthier, Happier And Smarter Children

Most families today lead very hectic lives. Hence, getting the family together for a family meal is very challenging for the typical contemporary family these days. Mom’s and dad’s demanding work schedules, the kids’ ever increasing after-school activities, endless errands and the likes are causing families to have less and less time to spend together. […]

Strengthen Your Strengths For Success

Sometime during the last quarter of last year, I was searching for a life coach to walk through with me what I should be focusing on for the second half of my life. The first half for most men is usually characterized by a relentless drive to build one’s career, make enough money to get […]

This Is Home, Truely

I miss many aspects of growing up in Singapore in the 1970s as a kid. As a toddler, I lived in an attap house in a small kampong with chickens roaming freely outside our home. It was located in Lorong Lew Lian (Durian). Today, Lorong Lew Lian has become totally unrecognizable to me compared with […]

Looking Back 9 Years Ago

This evening we celebrated my birthday together with Joseph’s, my youngest son. His birthday was yesterday, 22nd of July. Nine years ago this evening, I spent my birthday in the hospital ward of Thomson Medical Centre with my wife.  She was recovering from an ordeal the day before after delivering Joseph. Joseph’s delivery had been […]

Investing In Quality Time With Your Child, Now!

Men will understand this perfectly: Competing demands of meeting datelines and bottom-lines at the office; managing the household expenses; ensuring enough money is put aside for children’s education fund, insurances and retirement; caring for aging parents; planning for the family’s vacation; share of household chores especially if his spouse is also working; social engagements to […]

Helping Your Child To Multiply

A story was told of a rich man going away for a prolonged period. Before leaving, he entrusted some of his money to his three servants. To one he gave five coins, to the second 2 coins and to the last one coin. Then he left. Immediately, the first two servants put their money to […]

Happy Mother’s Day, Everyday!

This website may primarily be addressing fathers. But make no mistake; our wives play indispensable and complementary roles with us in raising confident children. This is not to discount that single fathers can successfully raise their children. But most will share their tremendous challenges in trying to fill the mother’s role as well to their […]

Celebrate Your Child’s Uniqueness

Every child is uniquely designed, just like a snowflake or a fingerprint. Every child is pre-programmed with a unique personality and strengths. Even twins differ. Each child feels and thinks differently towards the same situation and interact differently with others. Some children are reserve, while others are outgoing; some are active, while others are calm; […]